Welcome to the Blog!

By Ian Thompson on Saturday, June 24, 2023

This is the first post to the blog. Here, you will find a description of what the blog is, and what the goals are.

Hello, and welcome to the blog! I'll start by introducing myself:

My name is Ian Thompson, and I am currently a senior elementary education major at Clemson University. I know what you're thinking: why does an elementary education major have a tech blog? And that is such a valid question to ask yourself...

It all started when I was in middle school. I began to develop a deep interest in computers and programming. I started out learning the Objective-C language, and by the time I was in 8th grade, I published my first application to the Apple App Store (of course, under my mom's name since you had to be 18 with a valid driver's license to publish!). From there, I went on to learn Swift, and by 10th grade, I published my second game to the App Store.

Throughout middle and high school, I devoted much of my free time to learning different programing languages and technologies. My first formal programming class was in 10th grade in a beginner Python introduction course my high school offered. From there, I would go on to take AP Computer Science A in the 11th grade, all while working on various personal coding projects, many of which have never seen the light of day.

A screenshot of the App Store provided screenshot of my first game: Click Quick!

A screenshot of the App Store provided screenshot of my first game: Click Quick!

This deep interest and apparent skill in computer science would lead me to believe that I would go on to major in CS in college. Well, the Lord had different plans...

2019 graduating seniors back on the elementary school's playground

2019 graduating seniors back on the elementary school's playground

In 2019, I applied and got accepted to Clemson University as a computer engineering major. However, almost immediately after being accepted, I switched programs to elementary education. Teaching and sharing my knowledge have always interested me. So much so, while a middle and high schooler, I would frequently make programming tutorials on my YouTube channel. (I'm sure a few of these still exist somewhere on the internet). In my senior year of high school, I took a job at my old elementary school, working in the extended day program. There, I felt a call from the Lord to switch majors and pursue a degree in education.

At the time, Clemson did not offer a middle-level education program, and to be honest, if you had asked me if I ever saw myself in the middle school classroom, I would have immediately told you "no." But, as is a running theme in my life, and at the risk of sounding overly clichè, the Lord works in mysterious ways. While in college, I began volunteering for Young Life as a WyldLife leader, a ministry set on bringing the Gospel to middle school-aged students. Here I found the deep love for the middle school grades the Lord has instilled in me. While I wish I would have switched to the middle-level major sooner, a major switch would be too much of a hassle at this point in my undergraduate career. As such, I am sticking with the elementary major but hope to find a 6th-grade position upon graduation and plan to certify in middle-level math and science as soon as possible.

2020 WyldLife team

2020 WyldLife team

That still doesn't answer the purpose of this blog. Here, I hope to keep record of the various projects that I work on and to archive the different things that interest me. I make no aim to "get famous" or to contribute novel ideas to the universe. I want a place to publically gather and display my ideas, thoughts, and accomplishments with whoever may see them. This site is a work in progress. You will likely see things that don't look right and experience bugs. Just think of it as a way enjoy the imperfection of human nature.

Thanks for checking this post out!

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